Irische Studentinnen an der KGS

Thank you KGS


Zwei Wochen lang waren zwei irische Studentinnen an der KGS, hospitierten im Unterricht und nahmen auch sonst an diversen schulischen Aktivitäten teil.

Zum Abschied meldet sich mit Jessica Moriarity eine der beiden zu Wort.


„My name is Jessica Moriarty and I spent two fantastic weeks in KGS. I am a teacher from Ireland and I came to KGS to learn about education in Germany. I spent time in English, German, bilingual history and sport classes. I have learned so much from KGS, particularly about life in Germany for young students. I have also picked up practical methods and approaches. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching students about Ireland including our music, dance and sporting culture. My time in Schneverdingen has shown me that here in Europe, we have much to share and learn from each other. Thank you KGS.“
